The agreement allows for the review and decision regarding preliminary engineering services for the pedestrian underpass tunnel within The Vybe, the city's trail network. Though the agreement is between the city and UPR, the developer of Kyle Crossing Phase 2, Central SouthWest Texas Development, will be paying the $75,000 as they are funding the entirety of the project.
The council previously approved a services contract with The Boring Co. for the construction of the tunnel May 3 and this is the next step to get the project underway.
The city must enter into this agreement since UPR owns the right-of-way of the area where the tunnel will be built and must be in place before any plans for the tunnel can be reviewed.
The Boring Co. will be responsible for the project design, diagnostics, inspections, plans, specifications, construction review and other tasks to compile the plans that will be presented to UPR.
However, it does not guarantee that the plans will be approved and, ultimately, it will be up to UPR to approve or deny the plans.
Should the plans be approved and construction exceeds the $3 million Central SouthWest Texas Development have pledged for the tunnel, the item will return to council for further consideration.