Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the provided questions and avoid attacking their opponent. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
* indicates incumbent

Frank Ortega*
manage city budget and policy communication to citizens; attend all council meetings and civic events; act as current Place 4 council
real estate agent
Candidate Website:
What will be your top priorities if you are elected?
My top priorities will include planning for infrastructure including roads, utilities and water for current and future residents. I will also support first responders and work to maintain public safety and emergency preparedness in our community. Finally, I will prioritize responsible budgeting and fiscal responsibility to ensure a fiscally sound city.<br>
What uniquely qualifies you for this position?
As a current Round Rock City Council member, I have been committed to engaging residents and working collaboratively to make decisions that prioritize the best interests of our growing community. Round Rock is a safe and thriving city with low taxes and a strong financial rating.
What is something you want Round Rock residents to know about you?
The reason I am running for re-election is because I have a heart for service to the community, and I will represent the interests of all Round Rock community members.

Greg Rabaey
planning and zoning commissioner, Leadership Round Rock and Citizens Police Academy
retail energy executive
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What will be your top priorities if you are elected?
I will focus on public safety, traffic, reliable water and implementing lower taxes.
What uniquely qualifies you for this position?
I serve on many boards and commissions in Round Rock.
What is something you want Round Rock residents to know about you?
I have lived in Round Rock for more than 30 years.