In a nutshell
Applications for RRISD's P-TECH health sciences program opened Feb. 7. Students participating in the program, facilitated through a partnership with Austin Community College and St. David's Healthcare, will start a four-year high school and college coursework program tied to a workforce pathway for licensed vocational nurses. Students must submit their application and an educator recommendation by March 8.
About the program
RRISD announced it received a $10,000 grant from the Texas Education Agency to add a health sciences Pathways in Technology Early College High School program in early September. It is one of 10 school districts across the state to receive this grant, and the funds will be used to offset expenses for professional development, advisory council meetings and staff necessary to plan the program's implementation. The P-TECH program will be located at Cedar Ridge High School, and will provide opportunities for students to earn certifications and an associate degree.