Emmy Award-winning travel show “The Daytripper,” hosted by Chet Garner, will host a costume party Oct. 28 at Pfluger Park, 515 City Park Road, to premiere an episode featuring Pflugerville. "The Daytripper"—which is kicking off its 10th season with the Pflugerville episode—airs on PBS stations and shows Garner exploring landmarks, food and culture in various parts of Texas. The preview for the episode features Pflugerville staples such as Brotherton's Black Iron Barbecue, Spirit Distillery and Taste of Ethiopia. The event will include live music, food trailers, giveaways and two costume contests—one for classic Halloween costumes and another for the Best Chet costume for those dressed as the show's host, according to the Facebook page for the event. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m., and the episode will air once it is dark enough, likely around 7 p.m.