Bohls Middle School, a highly anticipated campus within Pflugerville ISD, welcomed students for the first time Jan. 5.

The campus is about 94% complete, but during a Jan. 20 school board meeting district officials marked the January admission of students as a win for a construction project that hit a continual stream of roadblocks since spring 2021. Teachers began moving into the campus in mid-December.

Gary Schulte, the district's assistant director of facilities and construction, said everything inside of Bohls is now open.

"You can't see it because of the masks, but the students were so excited as they walked into their new campus," Schulte said.

District information states the school's concessions facility and press box will be ready by the end of January, and the marquees are installed and awaiting programming.

The Bohls campus had originally been scheduled to be ready for students in time for the start of the 2021-22 school year, but competing construction projects and contractor scheduling errors resulted in project delays.

To accommodate the delayed opening, sixth graders who had planned to attend Bohls during the 2021-22 school year attended Carpenter Elementary School, and seventh and eighth graders attended Cele Middle School.