We have had readers ask what it takes to get their home listed in the real estate section of Community Impact Newspaper or why we have not included homes in their neighborhoods recently.

The properties listed in our paper each month are made up of the most recent that have been placed on the market, supplied to us by the Austin Board of Realtors. Depending on the size of our Real Estate section in a given month, that can include anywhere from 10 to 80 of the most recent homes.

Community Impact Newspaper’s staff does not sort through the data, or pick and choose which homes to include. Therefore, there are some months where a street, neighborhood or even an entire ZIP code may be excluded from our list.

Readers, I assure you that we will never intentionally exclude a specific neighborhood or area, and while your home may not make the real estate section, we will always strive to give your neighborhood  coverage throughout the other sections in our paper.