In today’s technology-driven world, it is more important than ever for parents to discuss online safety with their children, said Gary Spurger, manager of the High Tech Crimes Unit at the Harris County sheriff’s office.

1 in 4 children in the U.S. will be sexually solicited online.
• In 2014 the national CyberTipline received 1.1 million reports.
• In an undercover operation in May, the Montgomery CountyInternet Crimes Against Children, or ICAC, task force arrested 26 predators who were soliciting minors.
• In 2014 the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, or NCMEC, provided training for 300 law enforcement and juvenile justice personnel from 160 agencies in Texas on technology-related crimes against children.

Apps to watch for

Kik: a messaging app that allows the user to enter chat rooms with anyone around the world
• Snapchat: a photosharing app that allows the photo to disappear after a set number of seconds and notifies users if a screenshot is taken of the photo (there are apps that will allow you to bypass this step and screenshot the photo without notification)
• Dating apps, such as Qrushr, Grindr, Tinder and Skout

Severity of computer crimes

The age of consent in Texas is 17 years old. Anyone younger than 17 is considered a minor and cannot offer consent.

Class A misdemeanor: impersonating someone by sending an electronic message that references identifying information and believing the recipient would believe that person authorized the message with intent to harm or defraud.
Ranges from class B misdemeanor to first-degree felony: breach of computer security (gaining access to a computer without the consent of the owner)
State jail felony: impersonating someone by making calls or sending messages from his or her phone with intent to harm.
Second-degree felony: soliciting a minor under age 14.
Third-degree felony: online harassment, soliciting a minor ages 14-16 or possessing or sending another person inappropriate photos of a minor

Password tips

• Strong passphrases are more difficult for computers to crack than strong passwords.
• A strong passphrase is made up of dissimilar different words in a sequence:  driveswamflewundergroundnoair.

Apps for parents

Qustodio: can monitor up to five devices, can set limits on daily calls, texting and Internet usage on phones, tracks child’s location
PhoneSheriff: monitor up to three devices, limit daily calls, texting and Internet usage on phones, review and approve apps on a child’s phone, tracks child’s location and will send a notification if a child leaves a set area

Sources: Harris County sheriff’s office, Montgomery County Precinct 5 constable’s office,, Texas Penal Code/Community Impact Newspaper


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