Since 1999, seniors have been awarded more than $3.2 million
The Frisco Education Foundation is accepting scholarship applications from senior Frisco ISD students through 5 p.m. Dec. 19.
In addition, applications for the CoServ W. Tip Hall Jr. Scholarship and Youth Tour, available to students within the CoServ service area, are due by Jan. 30.
The FEF has more than 200 different scholarships to offer each year.
Scholarship night, when the scholarships are announced, is scheduled for May 14 at the Dr Pepper Arena.
The FEF this year presented more than 700 scholarships totaling close to $600,000.
Nearly $3.2 million in scholarships have been awarded since the FEF's inception in 1999, according to the FISD website.
More than $330,000 has also been awarded in grant money to educators to carry out new classroom initiatives.
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, need, community service, choice of university, intended major and other criteria.
Funds are raised for the scholarship foundation through fundraisers such as the annual Gary Burns Frisco Fun Run as well as sponsorships and donations.
For more information on the scholarship applications, sponsorships or donations, visit the FEF website at