Capital Metro's second MetroRapid line will begin road tests July 15.

The No. 803 bus, a 15-mile MetroRapid route from The Domain to Westgate Mall in South Austin, will travel along Burnet Road and South Lamar Boulevard. The new route will utilize 40-foot vehicles compared with the No. 801 route that uses 60-foot vehicles, according to a Capital Metro news release.

The road test will begin at 4:30 a.m. and last until 8:30 p.m.

The new buses will feature new technology, such as a transit signal controls that keep signaled intersections clear for longer if a MetroRapid bus is running behind schedule, according to the release.

The No. 803 will share 12 stops with the existing No. 801 MetroRapid bus, which spans North Lamar Boulevard and South Congress Avenue.

The No. 803 bus will become available for public use Aug. 24.