Officials cut the ribbon as the ACC Hays campus is unveiled Jan. 16.
Roxana Solis, a dually enrolled high school senior, is among the Hays campus's first students.
ACC President and CEO Richard Rhodes speaks at the grand opening ceremony for the ACC Hays campus Jan. 16.
Jeffrey Richard, chairman of the ACC board of trustees, applauds residents of Hays County, who in 2010 approved the annexation of Hays CISD into the ACC district.
"ACC is indispensable," said U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, at the Jan. 16 ribbon-cutting ceremony for the ACC Hays campus.
Roxana Solis, a dually enrolled Hays High School student, is taking government and theater classes at the newly opened ACC Hays campus.
ACC and Hays High School student Roxana Solis is pictured in the bookstore of the new college campus.
The Austin Community College Hays campus was unveiled Jan. 16. Situated on 96 acres in Kyle, it is the college district's 10th full-service campus.
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