The founders of the WilCo Wellness Alliance believe the sustainment and encouragement of residents' good health requires an approach that goes beyond regular doctor visits.

Created in 2009 with the assistance of a grant from the National Coalition of Chronic Disease Directors, the WWA is pushing a variety of initiatives with the common goal of helping local residents live healthier lifestyles.

"We are forming policy and environmental change around physical activity and nutrition," WWA Project coordinator Melissa Cammack said.

The WWA has enlisted the assistance of local community leaders and stakeholders from the public and private sector to devise new and creative ways to promote healthy living through better eating and exercise habits, increasing providers' access to complete medical records and workplace health initiatives.

The WWA utilizes support staff from the Williamson County & Cities Health District as well as local government, education and nonprofit entities to help spread its ideas about promoting healthy living. The alliance is subdivided into four groups representing different areas of the county. Each group is chaired by a local community representative.

"We really want to make this a sustainable effort so it is not just one entity that is owning the alliance," Cammack said.