Agreements passed by Pflugerville City Council at its April 9 meeting will pave the way for continued cooperation between the city and the SouthWest and Manville water supply corporations.

Council passed a resolution authorizing a $250,000 payment to Manville Water Supply Corp. for the city to take over all water utility provision to the Sorento subdivision. The resolution stated the takeover is a "gesture of cooperation, conciliation and goodwill by the Manville Water Supply Corporation."

The council also approved extending negotiations with SouthWest Water Supply Corp. through April 9, 2014, with SouthWest agreeing to freeze rates during the period. The city and SouthWest are working to compromise on utility rates, and City Manager Brandon Wade said negotiations are moving forward.

"I am very encouraged by the discussions we've had with SouthWest of late," Wade said at the council meeting.