Additional city facilities such as the New Braunfels Public Library and the New Braunfels Parks Department reopened June 1 with limitations and restrictions.

The library will be open for seniors and at-risk individuals only from 10-11 a.m. Monday-Friday, and it will be open for the rest of the community 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Face coverings will remain highly encouraged, while no public seating will be available, staff assistance will be limited, materials will be checked out using self-checkout machines, cash payments will not be accepted, and the curbside pickup option will continue.

The Westside Community Center is tentatively scheduled to reopen June 15.

The following recreation facilities and park equipment rentals operated by the New Braunfels Parks Department will be available June 1:
  • The Landa Park Miniature Golf Course will reopen with mandated health-related restrictions and limitations.
  • The Landa Lake paddleboats will be available with mandated health-related restrictions and limitations.
  • The Fischer Park Nature Center will be open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and 12-6 p.m. Sunday.
  • Outdoor exercise equipment at Eikel Park and along the County Line Memorial Trail will reopen June 1.
  • Camp Minnehaha and Fischer Park Nature Camps began June 1.
  • JAWS skate park is open with recommended health guidelines in place.
  • Playgrounds in Landa Park, the Landa Park Train, the Fischer Park splash pad will remain closed until further guidance from the governor’s office.
  • The Landa Park Aquatic Complex is tentatively set to reopen June 10.
New Braunfels Municipal Court will be open from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday and will be cleaned and sanitized each day.

Only defendants and their attorneys are allowed in the courtroom unless the defendant is a juvenile, and defendants will be asked to wait in their vehicles until they are notified by text to enter the hearing.

Seating in the court is limited, and guests should expect to have a temperature check and health screening at the door. Masks will be required while in the courtroom.

All defendants are encouraged to schedule virtual hearings instead of in-person appearances if possible by emailing [email protected] and can find information on resolutions to their citations online.