(Editor's note: This story has been corrected to reflect the accurate possible fee hike.)

Liberty Hill City Council approved a Jan. 22 public hearing on raising wastewater impact fees at its Dec. 11 meeting.

The impact fees are one-time charges paid by developers to finance the construction of public facilities needed to service their new developments, according to documents from the city.

What you need to know

Wastewater impact fees, currently at $5,261 per living unit equivalent, could rise to $11,329 per LUE.

There will be a public hearing on raising the fees at City Council’s Jan. 22 meeting, and more information about the fee hike will be presented at that time.

How we got here

City Council appointed a capital improvements advisory committee, consisting of members of the planning and zoning commission, in January. The CIAC’s purpose was to review and advise City Council on capital improvement projects that could be funded by impact fees, according to agenda documents.

The committee met on March 5, April 2 and May 7 to review the capital improvements plan and associated fees.

What they’re saying

Mayor Crystal Mancilla expressed concern at the cost of the fees.

“We can meet with staff in the interim of our public meeting to better understand this and see how we can serve our community,” she said.

“I would like to do that as well, because I do have concerns,” council member Diane Williams added. “My fear is what it’s going to impact are the small [businesses] trying to come in.”