Incumbent Mayor Crystal Mancilla will be facing candidate Devin Vyner in the race.
Members of Liberty Hill City Council are elected at-large, meaning each member represents the entire city and all qualified voters in the city can cast a ballot in the race.
Early voting in the May 4 election runs from April 22-30.
Community Impact asked candidates to answer the questions provided in 75 words or less and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Devin Vyner
14-year public servant; former Home Rule Charter Commissioner; youth baseball coach; father of three
Police sergeant
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for this position?
I want to pour the dedication, integrity and devotion I’ve shown throughout my career into the town my family and I call home. Being an officer has been fulfilling, but I was created to be a father. Having a hand in providing an atmosphere for my family that’s safe, that has leaders who understand that they serve the citizens, and that promotes transparency in government is what I pledge to you as mayor.
If elected, what are your goals for the city of Liberty Hill?
We must be transparent, encourage citizen input and prioritize employee retention. Our city employees are our most valuable resource to our citizens, and employees who feel valued provide better service to our citizens. We must be open to citizen input and transparent in all of our governmental actions, understanding that we answer to the people, not the other way around. Being available and approachable as public servants promotes citizen ownership of their government.
What are some of the biggest challenges facing Liberty Hill, and how would you work to address them?
We need more citizen input, new ideas for managing growth, new faces in government and new voices helping guide your elected leaders. Sustainable water sources, maintaining public safety with the rapid population growth we’ve seen, and alleviating traffic congestion through the city are all challenges our city struggles with. Partnering with new and existing stakeholders for new ideas, or finally implementing already discussed ideas, will get us finally moving in the right direction.
How would you ensure infrastructure, such as water and roads, keeps up with population growth?
No doubt we’re experiencing growing pains, but we’re still a place where people want to raise their families. More investment, by the city and by the state, in our roadways should be prioritized with the end goal of easing congestion through the city. Sometimes the large price tags attached to building infrastructure are daunting, but done correctly, they’re seldom poor investments in the long run for the citizens.
What role does the city play in managing and guiding development?
The city has an immense amount of power when it comes to promoting, or stifling, growth. A one-size-fits-all approach to regulation, zoning, or fees doesn’t always work. When a policy doesn’t make sense to our citizens or our business owners, we have a duty to provide an avenue for appeal, listen to their ideas or complaints, and then make the best decision for the individual circumstance. Be open to change, but be smart about it.

Crystal Mancilla
I have been serving as City Council, as mayor pro tem and now as mayor.
Project manager
Candidate Website:
Why are you running for this position?
My experience as a council member led me to lead a team on building a comprehensive plan to support the city that is going to support our citizens for the long term and I am committed and dedicated to seeing that plan through.
If elected, what are your goals for the city of Liberty Hill?
If elected, my focus for Liberty Hill is twofold: revitalizing our downtown into a vibrant community and building partnerships with ESD, ISD, and the county. I aim to nurture local businesses, support our parks and trails, and address infrastructure needs collaboratively. By working closely with these key entities, we’ll enhance public services, tackle challenges, and ensure the city’s healthy development. Together, we’ll cultivate a thriving, resilient community that residents are proud to call home.
What are some of the biggest challenges facing Liberty Hill, and how would you work to address them?
Water sustainability has been a top priority for me, fellow council members and staff. We are considering options and carefully choosing one that will give us long-term sustainability, enhancing the quality of life for our residents. Additionally, addressing traffic concerns remains crucial. I’m committed to collaborating with TX dot, county officials and ISD to implement necessary changes for our growing community infrastructure needs.
How would you ensure infrastructure, such as water and roads, keeps up with population growth?
Historically we have been a small town, and now are growing to become a much larger city. So, the leadership of Liberty Hill must be strategic in their fiscal planning which I have worked on with the council and I am excited to see it implemented.
What role does the city play in managing and guiding development?
The role a city plays is by establishing zoning regulations, land use policies and building codes to shape growth responsibly. Through careful planning, the city can balance economic, environmental, and social considerations to create sustainable development. Additionally, the city facilitates development through permitting processes, infrastructure investments, and partnerships with developers, ensuring that growth aligns with the community’s vision and meets the needs of our residents.