During the Jan. 14 regular meeting, Bee Cave City Council approved a conditional-use permit for the proposed Longleaf at Bee Cave assisted-living facility, which will be an 88-unit development within a single two- and three-story building totaling 70,000 square feet located on a 3.57-acre tract at 3936 RM 620. Read the full story here.
Council approved actions that essentially replat what is called the Home Depot addition, or Lot 1, Block C, on 13847 Bee Cave Parkway, as well as allowing for the construction of public water and wastewater improvements associated with the 23.7-acre tract. Read the full story here.
Bee Cave City Council voted to call an election for mayor and two council positions May 2. Former Mayor Monty Parker announced his resignation Dec. 16, citing an employment opportunity closer to the San Antonio area. Since Parker left, Mayor Pro Tem Bill Goodwin has taken over and will continue to do so until the election establishes a new mayor. Read the full story here.
Following an August presentation from Brinkley, Sargent, Wiginton Architects, a firm that conducted a needs assessment for a new Bee Cave Police Department facility, officials have signaled they are now ready for the next step. Council approved a motion during the Jan. 14 regular meeting to request proposals for the services of a professional design team to design the new facility and site, according to city information. Read the full story here.