Lake Travis Westlake
Lakeway City Council

Kelly Brynteson
Occupation: As a competitive intelligence professional, I possess the acumen to analyze, think strategically and develop innovative solutions to problems that will guide me in making council decisions.
Experience: Wife, mother, 14-year Lakeway resident, extensive nonprofit experience and business professional. My husband and I run TrainOurTroops, a nonprofit that provides U.S. veterans and their spouses with high-end niche business training to provide them a competitive advantage in the civilian job market.
Contact: Facebook:kellyforlakeway
Why are you running for city council?
KB: As a 14-year resident of Lakeway, I would like to bridge the gap between the changing demographics in the city. Recruiting young professional citizens to participate in council meetings and committees while paying respect to longtime residents, will build a more holistic community. The younger generation will learn from knowledgeable residents, gaining experience needed to successfully step into council and mayor seats in the future.
Do you support the comprehensive plan for the City of Lakeway? If so, what areas of the plan are most critical? What areas, if any, do you think require more review?
KB: Overall, I do support the comprehensive plan. It is imperative to extend Main Street to create a better traffic flow to and from the Oaks of Lakeway. There are areas I would like to revisit and address. The widening of Flint Rock Rd while discouraging cut through traffic is contradictory. With a background in competitive intelligence, the 10 goals along with all meeting agenda items will be analyzed and responded to from a strategic and innovative point of view.
What other priorities for the city are important to you and why?
KB: The city should review its Emergency Preparedness Plan. The recent winter storm left many citizens without water, heat or electricity. While citizens stepped in to assist neighbors in need, the city should ensure service providers are required to service customers prior to and during an event. Also, responsible development while allowing growth is key. Citizens will be considered when any rezoning or new development requests are presented to the city council, especially those directly impacted by the change.

Steven Clark
Occupation: I am a former Marine Corps infantry officer and served in Desert Storm. I spent over 20 years on Wall Street trading commodities, currencies and fixed income for institutional accounts; so I am very familiar with public policy. Currently I run a software development company. I believe my service background and experience in finance and technology make me well-suited to be part of the council.
Why are you running for city council?
SC: I plan on living in Lakeway with my family for a long time. I want to play an active role in making sure Lakeway is a great place for the children of our community as they grow.
Do you support the comprehensive plan for the City of Lakeway? If so, what areas of the plan are most critical? What areas, if any, do you think require more review?
SC: Yes. Transportation, especially as it relates to 620, and the continued traffic that it brings.
What other priorities for the city are important to you and why?
SC: The City of Lakeway has set boundaries, and there has to be a proper mix of business and development to continue to grow the tax base to support this expansion. Along with this, there are many families in the community, and we need to preserve and grow our green spaces for them.

Sanjeev Kumar
Occupation: Managing Partner of Hunt Pennington Kumar & Dula PLLC, a boutique law firm serving clients in the area of Intellectual Property Law, Business & Corporate Law, and Estate Planning and Probate Services.
Experience: Current Lakeway City Council Member with multiple past roles in serving the community; attorney; business advisor, along with a successful technology career in the past including founding of a startup with a successful Initial Public Offering on NASDAQ with subsequent acquisition by another public company.
Why are you running for city council?
SK: I originally ran for the council two years back with a promise to bring transparency and trust to the city governance, managing responsible growth, and help in finding solutions to the traffic issues. We have made a lot of progress in achieving those objectives. There is still some unfinished work, especially as it relates to transportation issues and the completion of Main Street. I would like to have an opportunity to finish what we started in my current term and have Main Street completed before the 620 widening project starts.
Do you support the comprehensive plan for the City of Lakeway? If so, what areas of the plan are most critical? What areas, if any, do you think require more review?
SK: Yes, I do support the comprehensive plan for the city and voted as a council member to adopt the current plan. The comprehensive plan is meant to be a guiding document as we make decisions, and though all the sections are important for the city’s future, the sections related to protecting our character and environment, transportation and controlled development are specially relevant in the near term for the city.
What other priorities for the city are important to you and why?
SK: Some of the other priorities that I consider very important are: continuing to encourage a culture of service from the city government to the citizens and businesses; having an economic development plan to find a good balance between the sales tax and property tax as the city’s source of income; and continue to invest in and enhance the safety and security for the citizens and businesses.

Keith Trecker
Experience: City Building Commission Zoning and Planning Commission, including one year as Chairman City Council, two terms City Board of Adjustments Board Member, Lakeway Civic Corporation (LCC)
Why are you running for city council?
KT: I have been involved at many levels within the city, and I want to continue to represent all citizens. It's important to me to keep Lakeway the desirable community it has been for many years. My experience as a previous City Council Member will allow me to be an effective Leader from day one.
Do you support the comprehensive plan for the City of Lakeway? If so, what areas of the plan are most critical? What areas, if any, do you think require more review?
KT: I wholeheartedly support the current Comprehensive Plan as I was a member of the Comprehensive Plan Review Committee that updated the Plan in 2019. Some of the most important areas of the Plan relate to Transportation (improved road access for citizens), Growth Management, and Economic Development. Since the Comprehensive Plan was so recently updated, I see no need for another review to be required for 2-3 years.
What other priorities for the city are important to you and why?
KT: Among the many challenges for the city, these are the areas I will focus on: Complete Main Street from Lohmans Crossing to the Oaks. This must be completed before the TXDOT 620 widening project is started in about 3 years. We must have better access to the Oaks to avoid putting our citizens in the midst of construction chaos. Keep taxes low. Increase sales tax revenue where possible and prioritize spending by the City. Growth Management. Maintain the character of Lakeway by controlling new development in accordance with our Comprehensive Plan and requiring compliance of existing codes and ordinances.

Gretchen Vance
Occupation: My current role, Owner and Director of Social Media and Marketing-Electric Avenue Athletics, taps into all my past experiences. I also execute and plan all special events at our dedicated Acrobatics & Tumbling and Ninja facility.
Experience: I am a business professional with experience in budget creation and reconciliation, outstanding customer service, communication best practices, contract negotiation, special events, marketing and social media SEO.
Why are you running for city council?
GV: Listening to residents and taking action on their requests and ideas is the core of why serving on council is so rewarding. I am seeking re-election in order to finish some ongoing projects in transportation, economic development and parks.
Do you support the comprehensive plan for the City of Lakeway? If so, what areas of the plan are most critical? What areas, if any, do you think require more review?
GV: The Lakeway Comprehensive Plan was completely overhauled and amended in March of 2020. The committee members who gave their time and effort to this project should be commended for the job they did creating a roadmap for Lakeway from today to 2040. The city collected 973 responses to its Comprehensive Plan survey and received more than 2,700 comments. This new Comprehensive Plan was a community collaborative effort which I fully support.
What other priorities for the city are important to you and why?
GV: Working as the City Council liaison for the Transportation Committee, this committee worked on transportation issues and solutions that are now the City’s Thoroughfare Plan. This plan maps out connectivity throughout Lakeway and uses creative solutions to ease traffic on major roads like Highway 71 and RM 620. I am looking forward to these ideas being implemented and making a positive impact on our quality of life in Lakeway.