Two candidates will be on the ballot for the Place 7 Eanes ISD board of trustees seat in the upcoming election.

The details

Running for Place 7 is John Troy and Robert Morrow. Current Place 7 trustee Ellen Balthazar did not seek reelection.

EISD trustees are elected at-large, meaning all registered voters living within EISD boundaries can vote for each place on the ballot, as trustees represent the entire district instead of a portion of the district.

Voter deadline registration is April 3. Early voting will be held April 22-29, and election day is May 3.

Something to note

Candidates were asked to answer the questions provided, limit their answers to 50 words and not attack other opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to these guidelines or for style and clarity.

John Troy

Experience: Eanes ISD Dad and Volunteer, Business Owner (Education-Sector Search Firm), EEF Board, Former Investment Banker

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Candidate Website:

Contact Information: [email protected]

What motivated you to run for this position?

As a dad, business owner, and Eanes volunteer, I believe a quality education empowers every child to reach their full potential. Eanes is a phenomenal district; however, that success isn’t guaranteed. I’m running to build on this legacy and ensure continued excellence for all students, now and in the future.

If elected, what will be your top priorities to address district challenges?

1) Tackle both our short-term and long-term financial challenges; 2) Ensure that while doing so, we continue to serve each and every child well, retain our talented teachers and staff, and innovate in order to prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

If elected, what new district projects or policies would you like to see implemented?

Eanes must maximize revenue, decrease costs, identify innovative funding solutions, and improve our financial forecasting. Additionally, as the cost of living rises and people leave teaching altogether, we must identify ways to both cut district-wide costs and ensure Eanes remains a destination district where the best teachers want to teach.

Robert Morrow

Experience: Questionnaire not returned by deadline.

Occupation: Questionnaire not returned by deadline.

What motivated you to run for this position?

Questionnaire not returned by deadline.

If elected, what will be your top priorities to address district challenges?

Questionnaire not returned by deadline.

If elected, what new district projects or policies would you like to see implemented?

Questionnaire not returned by deadline.