Eanes ISD is slated to apply for three federally funded grants for the 2024-25 school year to improve services for low-income students, support social-emotional learning and more.

Molly May, assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and assessment, gave an overview of the district’s applications for the Every Student Succeeds Act grant, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grant and Perkins V grant during the June 18 board of trustees meeting.

The specifics

The $314,306 ESSA grant funding spans four titles with different funding amounts and program purposes:
  • Title I, Part A: $171,042 would fund additional campus support staff at campuses with high concentrations of low-income students needing to meet the state’s student performance standards. Valley View Elementary, Cedar Creek Elementary and Westlake High School, whose low-income student percentage is 14.91%, 6% and 4.95% respectively, are EISD’s targeted campuses.
  • Title II, Part A: $106,507 would fund a portion of each elementary campus’s instructional coach position.
  • Title III, Part A: $23,597 would fund summer school for students receiving English as a Second Language services, including salaries, transportation and materials.
  • Title IV, Part A: $13,160 would support efforts with social-emotional learning initiatives.
Low-income status is determined by students who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program, May said.

The IDEA grant funding includes two parts:
  • IDEA-B Formula: $1.3 million for staff payroll, students in residential services, contracted services and specialized equipment
  • IDEA-B Preschool: $22,284 for the partial salary of one early childhood special education teacher
The Perkins V grant of $40,856 would go toward costs associated with career and technology courses, such as supplies, materials and contracted services.

Something to note

May added EISD is no longer receiving Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds, which many school districts received after the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

“A lot of work that we’re okay to not have to do anymore—keeping track of the ESSER funds—but we did like the money we got,” May said.

Grant applications will be finalized this summer, and feedback can be sent to May at [email protected] by July 15.