Thanks to the acceptance of a couple of variances—first from the West Lake Hills Board of Adjustments and then from City Council—the Westlake High School Aquatics Center has advanced further down the road to completion.

Both approvals occurred during the Dec. 11 West Lake Hills City Council meeting.

Eanes ISD purchased the Shriner tract of land located east of Loop 360 and west of Camp Craft Road several years ago, which is where the $9.96 million aquatic center will be placed, according to city information.

The two variances passed during the meeting approved a height for the building of 52 feet, as well as the removal of five trees more than 14 inches in diameter.

“I’ll be very honest, I’ve always looked at schools and churches differently,” Mayor Linda Anthony said in support of the facility to open the agenda item. “They are not for profit, and they are performing a service to our community.”

Eanes ISD Superintendent Tom Leonard also spoke on behalf of the facility, stating there are many reasons the aquatic center will not only benefit the district but also the community, including the fact that it will not be air conditioned.

“We want to keep the cost of operation as low as we can,” Leonard said. “One way they’ve done this is with an innovative design that will not require air conditioning.”

The building will utilize garage style doors on its east and west sides as well as a system of vents that will help circulate air through the top, Leonard said.

Information from EISD states the WHS Aquatic Center is part of the 2019 EISD $80 million bond that passed in May.