The outdoor space has 25 in-ground garden beds, 48 raised beds and eight Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant beds.
Leases run from March 1 through Dec. 31 and may be renewed annually.
An in-ground 20-foot-by-20-foot bed can be leased for $50 annually for city residents and $75 annually for nonresidents. Raised beds and ADA-accessible beds, both 16 feet by 7 feet, cost $40 for residents and $50 for nonresidents.
The garden will be open daily from 5 a.m.-10 p.m. at 2100 Hutto Road, Georgetown.
Other renovations to the site include a new restroom facility, sidewalks, a lighted parking lot, a dumpster with a designated green waste area and a chain-link fence to secure the property. The total project cost was $275,000.
The city has also partnered with the Williamson County Beekeepers Association to construct hives at a later date.
To reserve a plot, visit