More than 100 native plant species are suitable for landscapes in Central Texas. Local businesses can recommend and sell native plants or seeds, and organizations such as the Travis County extension of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, the Travis County Master Gardeners Association and the Native Plant Society of Texas have additional resources.


Native Plant Guide Engelmann’s daisy, cutleaf daisy[/caption]

Engelmannia peristenia: Engelmann’s daisy, cutleaf daisy
Light need: sun
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: March-July
Wildlife benefit: attracts birds, nectar for bees and butterflies



Native Plant Guide Purple coneflower[/caption]

Echinacea purpurea: Purple coneflower
Light need: sun, partial shade
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: April-September
Wildlife benefit: nectar for bees and butterflies



Native Plant Guide Scarlet sage, tropical sage[/caption]

Salvia coccinea: Scarlet sage, tropical sage
Light need: Sun, shade, partial shade
Water need: requires little to moderate watering
Bloom time: February-October
Wildlife benefit: nectar for bees and butterflies







Native Plant Guide Gregg’s mistflower[/caption]

Conoclinium greggii: Gregg’s mistflower
Light NEED: sun, part-shade
Water need: requires moderate watering
Bloom time: March-November
Wildlife benefit: nectar for bees and butterflies







Native Plant Guide Blackfoot daisy[/caption]

Melampodium leucanthum: Blackfoot daisy*
Light need: sun, part-shade
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: March-November
Wildlife benefit: nectar for bees, butterflies and insects; seeds for birds




Native Plant Guide Mexican buckeye[/caption]

Ungnadia speciosa: Mexican buckeye*
Light NEED: sun, partial shade
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: March-June
Wildlife benefit: nectar for bees, butterflies and moths; seeds for birds and small mammals



Native Plant Guide Texas redbud[/caption]

Cercis canadensis var. texensis: Texas redbud
Light need: sun, partial shade
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: March-April
Wildlife benefit: nectar for butterflies, bees, moths and insects; leaves for deer; seeds for birds




Native Plant Guide White mistflower[/caption]

Ageratina havanensis: White mistflower
Light need: sun
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: October-November
Wildlife benefit: attracts hummingbirds, moths and butterflies


Native Plant Guide Autumn sage[/caption]

Salvia greggii: Autumn sage*
Light need: sun
Water need: requires little watering
Bloom time: March-November
Wildlife benefit: flowers attract bees and hummingbirds



Native Plant Guide Autumn sage[/caption]

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii: Turk’s cap*
Light need: shade, partial shade
Water need: requires little to moderate watering
Bloom time: May-November
Wildlife benefit: nectar for hummingbirds, butterflies, moths and insects; fruit for birds and mammals

*Deer-resistant plants
Although few plants are fully deer-proof, the animals tend to leave these native trees, shrubs and wildflowers alone when other food is available