The Georgetown ISD board of trustees gave its approval Feb. 18 to district staff to file a missed instructional day waiver with the Texas Education Agency.
The TEA allows districts to apply for waivers after missing two instructional days. The district canceled classes Jan. 24 and 28 and Feb. 7 due to inclement weather.
Trustees also approved amending the 201314 school calendar to show Feb. 7 as a holiday.
The district made up its first bad weather day on Feb. 17 and will make up the second missed day on May 26.
Last year in February we put out two calendars and parents said they dont want to go through June 1, Lee said, adding that each year the district alternates bad weather make up days on Good Friday and Memorial Day. This year, it happens to be Memorial Day. We are not excited but I can promise all of our students will be attending a Memorial Day ceremony.
Trustee Ronna Johnson said that before the district was required to start classes after the fourth Monday in August, the district had more options for holidays in the second semester that could serve as bad weather make up days.
We have to have [bad weather make up days] after the bad weather threat is over, Lee said. "Most normal years we don't [have to use those days]."
The board also approved the 201415 district calendar at its Feb. 18 meeting.
According to the calendar, the first day of school will be August 25 and the last day will be May 29, 2015 with bad weather make up days on Feb. 16 and April 3. Spring Break will be March 1620, which corresponds with the Texas universities, Lee said.
Lee said the district had also submitted a waiver to the Texas Education Agency to add two staff development days on Oct. 10 and Jan. 5.