At Tuesday's Travis County Commissioners Court meeting, commissioners considered and approved a number of items aimed at improving public transportation opportunities for the unincorporated areas of the county. Here is what you need to know about the commissioners' discussion:
1. Transit gaps
There are significant transit gaps in unincorporated areas of Travis County, where Capital Metro and the Capital Area Rural Transportation System are currently unable to provide transit service, county staff said. During the public engagement process for the Travis County Transportation Plan, the county received over 500 comments addressing public transit. Most were supportive of more transit services and many requested services for Decker Lane, West Oak Hill, Shady Hallow, Manchaca and more. Commissioners approved a draft proposal Tuesday that will allow the county to present the plan to the public and further engage discussions and refinement.
2. Park and ride opportunities
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, Capital Metro and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization are planning regional park and ride opportunities around the city. On March 28, Capital Metro hosted an open house to seek feedback from residents about transit needs. Staff is expected to review the received comments and evaluate ridership demand. CTRMA plans to identify near- and short-term opportunities by the summer in order to develop an implementation and funding plan.
3. Green Line
County staff will begin studying the potential economic development and funding options for the Green Line, a commuter rail that is proposed to connect Manor to downtown Austin through a partnership with Capital Metro. Although there was some opposition from Commissioners Gerald Daugherty and Margaret Gomez, citing the desire for alternative transit options like a highway, the vote passed 3-2.
4. Roadway improvements
CAMPO’s 2019-2022 Project Call project includes a number of recommendations for roadway improvements throughout its six-county region. The county’s transportation and natural resources department is working with CAMPO to ensure county roads are included in the plan incorporating road projects such as FM 1626, FM 1826, Braker Lane North and Pearce Lane. CAMPO will begin the public engagement process in April before finalizing a list.
5. County bond projects
weeks of negotiations, commissioners approved an interlocal agreement with CTRMA Tuesday that will allow the mobility authority to design and construct two county bond projects in Precinct 4— the Elroy Road widening and the Ross Road South widening. The county will provide funding for both projects, as approved by voters in November 2017. That amount will also include a 2 percent administration expense for each project to the mobility authority for project costs.