Unknown Object "Wondershow" brings acts of magic, mischief and mystery from New York City to Austin for a live showcase starting March 20. The show, which will feature a slew of underground performers as well as established talent, originally booked at The Vortex, 2307 Manor Road in East Austin, for a two-night performance but popular demand has resulted in a third show being added March 22, a spokeswoman confirmed. The Friday and Saturday performances are sold out. Magician and mindreader Vinny DePonto, juggling performer Marcus Monroe—who was featured on "The Late Show with David Letterman"—and illusionist Andrew Goldenhersh are among the main acts anticipated for "Wondershow." Top-ranked aerialist Sarah Sparkles will also perform, as will local music acts Jared Masucci and folk-pop band JEFF. Peter Aguero of the Moth Storytelling Podcast will host the event. Tickets cost between $25–$30. For more information, visit The Vortex website.