The New Braunfels ISD board of trustees approved new elementary attendance zones for the 2025-2026 school year March 10.

The district is planning to open two new elementary schools in the fall—Legend Point Elementary and the “new” Lamar Elementary—which is why the district rezoned its attendance zones, according to a news release.

Digging deeper

Legend Point Elementary, located at 4365 Klein Meadows, will open in August as part of the Dragon feeder pattern. The “new” Lamar Elementary, located off Loop 337, will also open in August as part of the Unicorn feeder pattern, according to the news release.

The goal of the rezoning process is to ensure all students have access to high-quality education and support the long-term growth and success of the district, the news release states.

How we got here

Superintendent Laurelyn Arterbury presented an overview of the elementary attendance rezoning process to the board in December. Feedback from a strategic planning survey helped create the first and second rezoning scenarios for new attendance zones. After receiving feedback on the proposed rezoning scenarios NBISD developed the final version of the elementary attendance zones, the news release states.

One more thing

The new zones—which can be viewed using the interactive maps on the district’s website—will be effective in August.