What we reported
Austin’s land development code, last written in 1984, has been the focus of scrutiny for years. Several overlays and contradicting rules make it difficult for developers to take on new projects and property owners to renovate their homes or business, according to city staff. CodeNEXT is the official rewrite of that code and will follow the vision laid out by Imagine Austin, the city’s comprehensive plan.
The latest
In November, city staff and its CodeNEXT consultants laid out an official timeline for the implementation of the new code. The timeline shows heavy activity in 2017 with the adoption and implementation by Austin City Council expected to arrive in 2018.
What’s next
City staff will release a text version of the new land development code to the public Jan. 30. This will be followed by the release of a visual map draft in April so the public can see exactly how the code applies to different sections and neighborhoods in the city. The draft will then go through a series of review and possible amendments through the CodeNEXT Advisory Group, the Planning Commission, the Zoning and Platting Commission and finally, the council. According to the official timeline, the code will be adopted and implemented by 2018.
This story is one update from The January Issue. View the full list of 10 things to look for here.