Officials assess May flood damages The playground at Bob Woodruff Park was submerged after heavy rains hit in May.[/caption]

Despite heavy flooding that caused roughly $80,000 in damage throughout the city in May, cleanups at parks and other areas are scheduled to be complete in time for Fourth of July celebrations, according to city officials. Storms dumped about 10 inches of rain May 29-30 in east Plano, causing flooding in parks and golf courses, Parks Services Manager Jim Fox told the City Council at a June 8 regular meeting.

The flooding also damaged a fishing pier at Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve, washed away picnic tables at parks and eroded soil in other areas, he said. Washed out mulch at playgrounds clogged several storm drains. Local sports leagues were forced to cancel more than 3,000 games because of the flooded fields. The city’s health department is still addressing standing water issues.

Waters finally receded June 1. Pecan Hollow Golf Course was closed for roughly a week and reopened June 4.

“April was a very wet month for us also. The good news is that there was relatively little damage [throughout the city],” Fox said. “The floodplains functioned as they were intended to, [so]
private property was generally not affected [as much].”