1. Cherrywood neighborhood streets

Full reconstruction is planned for a group of Cherrywood residential streets. Improvements range from additional landscaping to new pedestrian facilities, streetscape improvements and stormwater drainage improvements. Traffic impacts are likely once construction begins, according to Austin's Public Works Department, but no specifics are yet available. Roadways affected include: East 30th Street from Robinson Street to French Place; East 32nd Street from Cherrywood Road to Walnut Avenue; East 34th Street from Lafayette Avenue to Larry Lane; Breeze Terrace from East 32nd Street to Edgewood Avenue; Concordia Avenue from Lafayette Avenue to Kern Ramble Street; Hemlock Avenue from the dead end to East 34th Street; Kern Ramble from French Place to Concordia Street; Lafayette Avenue from East 30th Street to Concordia Street; Larry Lane from Manor Road to Clarkson Avenue; and Walnut Avenue from Manor Road to Hemlock Avenue.

Timeline: Summer 2015–Late 2017

Cost: $2.68 million

Funding sources: 2006 and 2012 transportation/mobility bond money

2. Downtown Congress Avenue

Preliminary design and engineering improvements are being made to help improve pedestrian, bicycle, automobile and public transit mobility. The work is also being done to help maintain Congress Avenue as a central element in the public realm of downtown Austin, according to the city's Public Works Department.

Timeline: Currently–December 2015 (design phase only)

Cost: $1.28 million (design phase only)

Funding sources: 2012 transportation and mobility bond money

3. Arroyo Seco cycle track

A pair of two-way cycle tracks—or protected bike lanes—will be installed on either side of the road's median from West Koenig Lane to Woodrow Avenue. The Public Works Neighborhood Partnering Program relies on matching contributions from the neighborhood and is managed by the city.

Timeline: Construction starts Spring 2015

Cost: $71,219 (city), $42,732 (neighborhood contribution)

Funding sources: 2012 bond money, private contributions

4. Red Bud Trail bridge over Lady Bird Lake

A bridge over Barton Springs Road bridge and Lady Bird Lake will be designed and engineered to replace the existing infrastructure. The city is currently accepting requests for qualifications for preliminary design and engineering work.

Timeline: Construction schedule not yet set

Cost: $3.69 million

Funding sources: 2012 transportation and mobility bond money

5. Third Street reconstruction Phase 3

The project completes construction of West Third Street from Congress Avenue to Guadalupe Street. The full-depth reconstruction includes new drainage systems, a water line, widened sidewalks, street trees and room for the Lance Armstrong Bikeway, which will be separated from vehicle traffic with concrete barriers.

Timeline: Complete by July 2015

Cost: $3.85 million

Funding sources: City of Austin

6. Rio Grande Street

Full-depth reconstruction and utility adjustments will take place from 24th to 29th streets. Work includes storm drainage improvements as well as a new water line, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, ramps, bicycle racks, benches, trees, trash bins and a two-way cycle track.

Timeline: May 2015–December 2016

Cost: $6.6 million

Funding sources: 2006 transportation bond money, 2012 transportation and mobility bond money