Commissioners now have a better idea of how much space each department will need inside the proposed civil and family courthouse.
The Commissioners Court received recommendations Oct. 14 from consultant groups URS Corp. and HOK, which were hired by the county to evaluate the project.
"The space program provides the definition of the type, size and number of spaces that will be needed to support the staff and functions of the civil and family courts as well as partner groups and services," according to county documents.
The program identifies spaces needed for 2025 and 2035 projections and provides 510,000 gross square feet of space plus secure and public parking, the documents state.
The report also included a judicial forecast to gauge demands on the court systems in 2025 and 2035.
Consultants anticipate in 2035 the courthouse will have 22 civil judicial officers, four judicial officers at the county court at law level and four judicial officers at the IV-D associate judge level.