Major projects in the area

1. Loop 360 intersection improvements

Various north- and southbound auxiliary lanes will be added along Loop 360 to improve operations through the signalized intersections at Walsh Tarlton Lane, the Barton Creek Square Mall entrance, MoPac and the intersection just south of MoPac. The idea, Texas Department of Transportation officials said, is to add more queue space for left-turning vehicles and to use auxiliary lanes to allow through traffic to pass through the construction project with fewer delays. Work also includes, according to TxDOT, revising the future WestGate Shopping Center intersection, adding a left-turn lane on the northbound frontage road where Loop 360 and MoPac intersect, replacing traffic signals with new equipment and adjusting signal timing to improve efficiency.

Timeline: Project bids are scheduled to be awarded in May 2016, but TxDOT officials are hoping to have plans in place sooner. Construction will take about two years.

Cost: $5,045,441

Funding source: TxDOT

2. RM 2222 surface upgrades

Road crews will remove part of the road surface, seal and overlay RM 2222/West Koenig Lane—from MoPac to North Lamar Boulevard.

Timeline: Summer 2015–fall 2015

Cost: $1,199,802

Funding source: TxDOT

3. Duval and 43rd streets intersection

Traffic-calming devices will be installed in the Hyde Park/Hancock neighborhoods at the intersection of Duval and 43rd streets.

Timeline: In preliminary design phase

Cost: TBD

Funding sources: TBD

4. Rio Grande and Nueces streets

A bicycle boulevard in the downtown area from Third Street to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard is being planning, designed and developed. The project was originally proposed only for Nueces Street, but stakeholder feedback, city investigations of traffic volumes and speeds, and economic impact data show it would be beneficial to use both Rio Grande and Nueces streets as downtown bicycle boulevards.

Timeline: Entire project, with the exception of the Rio Grande Street bridge over Shoal Creek, will be complete by January. Work on the Rio Grande Street bridge over Shoal Creek will be complete by the end of 2015.

Cost: Approximately $1.2 million

Funding sources: 2000, 2006, 2010 city of Austin bond money

5. Barton Springs Road bridge

Improvements will be made at the bridge on Barton Springs Road near the Robert E. Lee Road intersection. Construction crews will also strengthen the bridge's retaining wall, improve sidewalk connectivity and add bike lanes while protecting the surrounding Zilker Park and Barton Creek amenities.

Timeline: Bidding begins in late September, contract to be awarded in April/May 2015

Cost: $3.69 million

Funding source: City of Austin 2012 transportation and mobility bond money

6. Cameron Road/Dessau Lane bike lanes

Striped bicycle lanes have been installed on Cameron Road between 51st Street and Hwy. 290. Additional bicycle lanes and shared-use paths are planned for Cameron Road/Dessau Lane between Hwy. 290 and Braker Lane. The additional installation will complete a 5.2-mile bicycle route between 51st Street and Braker Lane. Work is expected to begin after the city receives surrounding community input.

Timeline: Outreach begins in November

Cost: TBD

Funding source: City of Austin

News or questions about these or other local transportation projects? Email us at [email protected].