City Council's dais is now completely gone, making way for the new dais to come in soon.
The new dais that can seat the future 10-1 council will be made of pecan wood and should be ready by the end of September, Project Manager David Smythe-Macaulay said.
Workers began to take apart the old dais on July 10. The historic treaty oak that was used on the old dais is being repurposed and recycled, Smythe-Macaulay said.
The next step will be having electricians finish up the wiring. Then concrete will be poured on the left side of the dais to allow for the expansion needed to seat more people.
Changes to the City Council chambers also include moving the audio desk to the west-facing window and adding two new podiums for members of the public to use to communicate with council, Smythe-Macaulay said. Another desk for city staff and members of the media is also being put in place.
Four new offices are also being built on the second floor of city hall to make room for the additional council members after the upcoming election, Smythe-Macaulay said.
City Council will hold their meetings in the Travis County Commissioners Court facility at 700 Lavaca St. until construction is complete.