With vacation time ending and the start of school just around the corner, school supply drives have kicked off throughout the Austin area.
GivingCity Austin, an organization formed to help educate the community on ways to volunteer and get more involved, released its fourth annual supply drive list July 29 and included some tips for those interested in contributing to teachers and students in need.
"Monetary donations are better than donations of actual school supplies. Many of these organizations like For The Children can purchase supplied in bulk so your donation of $40 will go a lot further," according to GivingCity's web post.
However, the organization still encourages residents to drop off supplies at any of the GivingCity Austin drives if that is what someone is able or willing to give.
There are currently seven supply drive locations, which last anywhere from July 31 to August 23.
Those in need of school supplies this year should contact their school the second week of August, according to GivingCity Austin.