Build out year: 1954
Average Home Value: $492,279
Amenities: The neighborhood has a nonprofit, all-volunteer neighborhood association, the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association, which costs $15 to join.
Nearby Attractions: Alamo Drafthouse Cinema–Village, La Mancha TexMex Tavern, epicerie Caf & Grocery, Amy's Ice Creams, Sarah's Mediterranean Grill & Market, Monkey Nest Coffee, Torchy's Tacos, Blue Star Cafeteria and other newly opened restaurants and local shops.
Property Taxes:
- Austin ISD: 1.242000
- City of Austin: 0.502900
- Travis County: 0.500100
- Travis County Health Care District: 0.078946
- Austin Community College District: 0.095100
- Total (per $100 value): $2.419046