With filings for local elections closed as of March 5, none of the seats up for election on Magnolia City Council or the Magnolia ISD school board are contested.
As a result, the City of Magnolia has the option to cancel the municipal elections planned for May 12, according to Lynne George, city secretary. The elections have not officially been canceled, but with no races that is the likely outcome.
The move would save the city money, George said.
"It's very costly to hold an election," she said. "We can take that money and put it towards something that will benefit the citizens of the community."
People apply to run for council positions for a variety of reasons, George said. She said the city views the lack of challengers as a vote of confidence in the current Council.
While there are no contested races, there is a new face joining the Council. Jo Ann Schermerhorn—former director of Magnolia's Planning Commission—was appointed to Position 4 in place of Jody Sanders, who did not apply for reelection.
Schermerhorn said she is taking on the position with no set agenda and just wants to contribute to the overall improvement of the city.
"There are so many things going on right now and I'd like to be a part of it and help in whatever way I can," she said.
Mayor Todd Kana—elected in 2010—and Mayor Pro Tem Patsy Williams—elected in 1992—were the two other candidates up for election. They will both serve another two-year term.
In Tomball, both council positions up for election have been contested. Tomball ISD elections take place in November.
Here is the final list of candidates who filed to run for each position up for election May 12:
Magnolia City Council
Mayor: Todd Kana (I)
Position 4: Jo Ann Schermerhorn
Position 5: Patsy Williams (I)
Magnolia ISD
Position 6: Billy Thompson (I)
Position 7: Chuck Adcox (I)
Tomball City Council
Position 2: Mark Stoll (I)
Barbara Tague
Position 4: Derek Townsend (I)
Jeffie Cappadonna