The Houston-Galveston Area Council plans to host five
public meetings on the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan featuring an expert panel discussing the 2018 Call for Projects draft selection, air quality and transportation conformity, performance measures and the 2045 RTP draft plan unveiling, according to a press release.
The 2045 RTP will set investment priorities for the multimodal transportation system by assessing demographic trends and transportation demand, forecast future demand for regional mobility, estimate available funding and track progress toward system preference targets, according to H-GAC information.
The 2018 Call for Projects draft selection, released Jan. 16, includes 193 applications that could be funded with $920 million—including federal funding and state and local matches—through 2028,
Community Impact Newspaper previously
reported. The projects span eight counties: Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller counties.
Public comments weigh into the production of final rankings,
Community Impact Newspaper previously reported, and can be submitted
online, by mail or by phone through Feb. 28. Comments can also be submitted at one of the five public meetings.
The comment period for the draft plan of the 2045 RTP and transportation conformity opens March 19 and closes April 16, the release said. Those interested in participating in the panel but cannot attend one of the meetings can tune in
here and send questions via Facebook and Twitter to @HGACmpo.
For a full draft list of all ranked projects and details, click
here. A list of top ranked projects in the draft report in each major category can be found
The series of public meetings will take place the following dates, times and locations:
Thursday, Jan. 24
5:30-7 p.m.
Friendswood City Hall
910 S. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood
Tuesday, Jan. 29
5:30-7 p.m.
Liberty City Hall
1829 Sam Houston St., Liberty
Tuesday, Feb. 5
5:30-7 p.m.
Kingdom City Houston
2100 Eldridge Parkway, Houston
Thursday, Feb. 7
5:30-7 p.m.
Tomball City Hall
401 Market St., Tomball
Tuesday, Feb. 12
5:30-7 p.m.
Houston-Galveston Area Council
Second floor, conference room B
3555 Timmons Ln., Houston