Sugar Land Animal Shelter officials announced it was pausing animal intake March 14.

What’s happening?

The temporary pause comes as shelter staff have seen an influx of animals and have hit the facility’s full capacity, city officials announced in a March 14 news release. The shelter, located at 101 Gillingham Lane, Sugar Land, has a maximum housing capacity for 64 cats and 31 dogs, Community Impact reported.

“Our kennels are at full capacity, and we urgently need the help of our community to continue our mission of providing a safe space for these animals,” city officials said in the release. “As a shelter, we never want to turn animals away, but right now, we are at a breaking point.”

Community Impact reached out to the city of Sugar Land for capacity numbers but the information wasn’t returned by press time.

The details

Officials are calling on the community to help bridge the gap by adopting, fostering, rescuing or volunteering as the shelter staff works to care for all the pets in their care, according to the release. Adoption fees will be waived March 14-23, and all pets will come with three months of heartworm prevention while supplies last.

Additionally, the shelter has extended its hours and will open its doors on Sunday, according to the release. Temporary hours include:
  • 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays
  • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays
Zooming out

Design is set to begin in the second quarter of this year for a new $20 million animal shelter following the approval of voters in the city’s November 2019 and November 2024 bonds. Supplemental funds will be fundraised by the Animal Advisory Board.

The new 26,000 square foot indoor and outdoor facility will house 80 dogs and 122 cats, with a location yet to be determined, officials previously said. The design is expected to take one year with construction completed in 18 to 24 months.

Going forward

Community Impact reached out to the city of Sugar Land to learn more about how long intake will be paused but the information wasn’t returned by press time.