Two Tomball residents have filed to run for Position 2 on the Tomball City Council.
Barbara Tague, who serves on the planning and zoning commission and is the president of the Downtown Tomball Merchants Association, will run against incumbent Mark Stoll, who was elected June 2009.
Tague said she views Tomball as a growing city. As a council member, she said she wants to increase the city's participation in meetings that affect how it will develop, such as those held by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Grand Parkway Association.
"I don't believe our city is being represented at these meetings to the extent that we could be," she said. "There are a lot of things going to be happening in Tomball and we need to have a say in the decisions that will affect our way of life."
Tague said her flexible schedule would allow her to attend these meetings and provide input on behalf of the city.
Additionally, Tague said she wants businesses and government to work together to better market the opportunities already available in Tomball to residents.
"This town has a lot to offer," she said. "You don't need to go to Houston to find a nice gift, or a business to repair your roof. We need to work together to develop our economic base."
Mark Stoll, who was elected to the council in June 2009, said he believes he is able to bring a common sense, business style of thinking to the council that is critical to helping the city develop.
"I look at trying to keep our tax rates low, but I also understand that our city is growing," Stoll said. "I try to work with local residents and business owners trying to run and develop businesses in Tomball."
In October 2011, Stoll was one of two council members who voted against a 36 percent property tax increase, arguing that citizens should have a chance to vote on an increase of that level.
Moving forward, Stoll said he wants to continue to improve Tomball's reputation with business developers.
"We brought in a new city manager that is changing Tomball's reputation that we are hard to do business with, and we brought in a new marketing director that is attracting new people to Tomball, which helps to bring in additional sales tax dollars," he said. "I think we need to continue to work on building our reputation and developing the area."
Positions 2 and 4 are the only seats up for election in 2012. Those interested in running for either seat have until March 5 to apply. The city is planning a candidate forum for April where residents will be allowed to ask issue-based questions of city council candidates.
The elections will be held on May 12. Early voting beings April 30.
Editor's note: Check back tomorrow for information on the candidates running for Position 4.