Median home value: $229,000
Homes on the market*: 11
Homes under contract*: 2
Median annual property taxes: $7,746.15
Median price per square foot: $108.20
Average days on the market*: 95
*as of Dec. 1

Median build-out year: 2012 (does not include Azalea District)
Median square footage: 2,039 (does not include Azalea District)
HOA dues (estimated): $750 annually
Schools: Valley Ranch Elementary School, New Caney Middle School, New Caney High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Montgomery County: 0.45
Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 6: 0.10
Montgomery County Hospital District: 0.06
Lone Star College System: 0.11
New Caney ISD: 1.57
Valley Ranch MUD No. 1: 1.10
Total (per $100 valuation): 3.39
Neighborhood data provided by Kendra Lee, Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene. 832-445-0808.
Correction: The median build-out year, median square footage and number of homes of Valley Ranch mistakenly only reflected the northern portion of the residential neighborhood. Those specific data points should have also included the Azalea District, which is to the south. The story has been updated to include the correct total homes, according to the Valley Ranch Homeowners Association. The story has also been updated to clarify that the median build-out year and median square footage is just for the northern Valley Ranch area.