The Conroe ISD board of trustees approved two grant applications at its May 19 virtual meeting related to the two major disasters of 2019 and 2020, Tropical Storm Imelda and COVID-19.

Deputy Superintendent Chris Hines said the Immediate Aid to Restart School Operations Grant is meant to restart operations in areas that were affected by the tropical storm. Hines said CISD was eligible for $1,944,983 from the grant.

“These funds, if awarded, would be used to address identified expenses incurred by the District during recovery from Tropical Storm Imelda,” Hines said.

Debbie Phillips, assistant superintendent for elementary education for CISD, said the district was eligible to receive $49,000 to support eligible schools under the Texas Education Agency Instructional Continuity of Learning Grant. Phillips said the funds would be used for San Jacinto Elementary School to further support remote learning and staff training.

“We’ll use the funds to purchase computers, connectivity solutions, hotspots and software,” Phillips said.

Both grants were approved unanimously.