Nestled in Harris County, University Green is an established neighborhood that is close to schools, hospitals, shopping destinations and entertainment venues.
Build-out year: 1984
Square footages: 1,300-3,000
Median home values: $180,000-$280,000
HOA dues (estimated): $677 annually
Amenities: shopping districts, entertainment venues, schools, hospitals
Schools: Falcon Pass Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Lake High School
Property taxes (in dollars):
Clear Creek ISD: 1.40000
Harris County: 0.41858
Harris County Flood Control District: 0.02877
Port of Houston Authority: 0.01155
Harris County Hospital District: 0.17108
Harris County Department of Education: 0.00519
City of Houston: 0.58831
Clear Lake Water Authority: 0.27000
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.89348