League City Parkway intersection improvements

League City is wrapping up a traffic systems improvement project to reduce traffic delays on League City Parkway and prepare for the future growth of traffic in the area. The project will signalize the all-way stop-controlled intersections at Landing Boulevard and Bay Area Boulevard and will add right-turn lanes at some of the intersections. The project also includes improvements to Gilmore Elementary’s driveway to improve traffic.

Timeline: third quarter 2020-July 2023

Cost: $1.9 million

Funding source: city of League City

Hwy. 3 and League City Parkway intersection improvements

Contractors are adding more turn lanes at Hwy. 3 and League City Parkway to improve traffic flow during peak travel times. Additional left- and right-turn lanes will be added throughout the intersection.

Timeline: January-July

Cost: $1.65 million

Funding source: Galveston County