This neighborhood in Nassau Bay is close to NASA Parkways restaurants and entertainment venues, including Space Center Houston.

Median home value: $350,000

Homes on the market*: 11

Homes under contract*:

Median annual property taxes: $12,130

Median price per square foot: $174.35

Average days on the market*: 36

*As of Aug. 1

Build-out year: 1990s

Square footage range: 1,900-3,700

Home values: $350,000-$495,000

HOA dues (estimated): $25 annually

Schools: Robinson Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School

Property taxes (in dollars)

Clear Creek ISD 1.1146

Harris County 0.34373

City of Nassau Bay 0.64898

Port of Houston Authority 0.00799

Harris Health System 0.14831

Harris County Department of Education 0.0049

Harris County Flood Control District 0.03055

Total (per $100 valuation) 2.29906

Across Bay Area ZIP codes, fewer homes were sold in July 2023 compared to July 2022, except in ZIP codes 77058 and 77565.
Meanwhile, the median price of homes sold varied across ZIP codes.