The Peninsula at Clear Lake community is located in League City. It is also near the Nassau Bay Peninsula Wildlife Park, which is a 76-acre wetland.

Median home value: $1,816,250

Homes on the market*: 0

Homes under contract*: 0

Median annual property taxes: $34,000

Median price per square foot: $279.72

Average days on the market*: 20

*As of Feb. 1

Build-out year: 2008

Square footage range: 3,000-6,000

HOA dues (estimated): $685 annually

Schools: Ferguson Elementary School, Clear Creek Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Galveston County: 0.36759

Clear Creek ISD: 1.1146

League City: 0.41553

Galveston County road and flood: 0.00844

Total (per $100 valuation): 1.90616

The median price of homes sold increased in three of five ZIP codes from January 2022 to January 2023.

The number of homes sold decreased in all ZIP codes except 77565, which gained five homes sales year over year.