Located near Clear Lake Center, El Dorado and Space Center boulevards, Bay Oaks is a neighborhood close to restaurants, entertainment venues, parks and Clear Creek ISD schools.

Median home value: $693,500

Homes on the market*: 2

Homes under contract*: 2

Median annual property taxes: $14,879

Median prices per square foot: $174.02

Average days on the market*: 67

*As of Nov. 1

Build-out year: 2002

Square footage: 3,000-8,000

Home values: $700,000-$1,800,000

HOA dues (estimated): $885 annually

Schools: Falcon Pass Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Lake High School

Property taxes (in dollars):

Clear Creek ISD: 1.1797

Harris County: 0.37693

HC Flood Control District: 0.03349

Port of Houston Authority: 0.00872

Harris Health System: 0.16221

Harris County Department of Education: 0.00499

Houston: 0.55083

Clear Lake City Water Authority: 0.26

Total (per $100 valuation): 2.57687

The number of homes sold decreased in each Bay Area ZIP code compared to October 2021.

The median price of homes sold increased in each ZIP code except in ZIP code 77565, which saw a small decrease.