Median home value: $811,750
Homes on the market*: 3
Homes under contract*: 1
Median annual property taxes: $12,592
Median price per square foot: $199.96
Average days on the market*: 23
Build-out year: 2011
Square footage: 3,000-8,000
HOA dues (estimated): $1,900 annually
Schools: Sandra Mossman Elementary School, Bayside Intermediate School, Clear Falls High School
*As of Oct. 1
Property taxes (in dollars)
Galveston County: 0.41494
Clear Creek ISD: 1.1797
Galveston County Road and Flood District: 0.00956
League City: 0.46553
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.06973
The number of homes sold across the Bay Area decreased overall in September compared to September 2021.
The median price of homes sold in Bay Area ZIP codes increased except in ZIP code 77565.