Median home value: $497,500
Homes on the market:* 7
Homes under contract:* 3
Median annual property taxes: $11,098
Median price per square foot: $139.53
Average days on the market:* 43
Build-out year: 2000
Square footage range: 2,000-4,000
HOA dues (estimated): $539 annually
Schools: Brookwood Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Lake High School
*As of Jan. 1
Property taxes (in dollars):
Clear Creek ISD: 1.2659
Harris County : 0.39116
Harris County Flood Control District: 0.03142
Port of Houston Authority: 0.00991
Harris Health System: 0.16671
Harris County Department of Education: 0.00499
City of Houston: 0.56184
Clear Lake City Water: 0.26
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.69193
Neighborhood data provided by Alina Rogers, Sparrow Realty. 281-961-2944. [email protected]
Correction: The original version of this article included a map that showed only a portion of the Pine Brook neighborhood. The map has been removed.