Median home value: $204,833
Homes on the market:* 0
Homes under contract:* 0
Median annual property taxes: $2,940
Median price per square foot: $35.94
Average days on the market:* 3
Build-out year: 1970s
Square footage: 1,200-2,000
Home values: $171,000-$261,000
Schools: League City Elementary School, League City Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School
*As of Dec. 1
Property taxes (in dollars)
Galveston County: 0.46513
Clear Creek ISD: 1.2659
Galveston County Road & Flood: 0.01077
City of League City: 0.515
Total (per $100 valuation): 2.2568
Neighborhood data provided by Alina Rogers, Sparrow Realty. 281-961-2944. [email protected]