League City Orange Groves is located near I-45 with quick access to schools, shopping and dining. Most of the homes are custom, built on empty lots or full remodels. The neighborhood is quiet with no through traffic.

Median home value: $236,000

Homes on the market: 0*

Homes under contract: 0

Median annual property taxes: $8,100

Median price per square foot: $88.38

Average days on the market: 108*

Build-out year: N/A

Median square footage: 2,279

HOA dues (estimated): none

Schools: Ralph Parr Elementary School, Victory Lakes Middle School, Clear Creek High School

*As of Jan. 1
Property taxes

Galveston County: 0.5044

County road/flood: 0.01174

Clear Creek ISD: 1.31

League City: 0.5485

Total (per $100 valuation): $2.37464
Year-over-year market data: Dec. 2020

The number of homes sold in December increased in all Bay Area ZIP codes except 77062 compared to December 2019. The median price of homes sold increased in all ZIP codes.