Median home value: $329,500
Homes on the market: 2*
Homes under contract: 3
Median annual property taxes: $8,760.46
Median price per square foot: $119
Average days on the market: 155*
Build-out year: 1978
Median square footage: 2,543
HOA dues (estimated): $385 monthly
Schools: Robinson Elementary School, Space Center Intermediate School, Clear Creek High School
*As of Oct. 1
Property taxes
Clear Creek ISD: $1.31
Harris County: $0.40713
HC Flood Control District: $0.02792
Port of Houston: $0.01074
HC Hospital District: $0.16591
HC Dept. of Education: $0.005
City of Nassau Bay: $0.73212
Total (per $100 valuation): $2.65882
Year-over-year market data: Sept. 2020
The number of homes sold in September increased in all ZIP codes except 77058 compared to September 2019. Home values have increased in all ZIP codes except 77059.